

Before you can start your benefits at 希德 you have to apply for benefits with the VA. 尽早向退伍军人管理局申请资格. It can take the VA 4-6 weeks to process your education benefit claim before they begin processing your enrollment at 希德 CC. After you have applied for benefits pick up a 希德 CC Application for Veterans’ 好处 at any campus or on the required forms section on the 希德 CC website under Veterans Services.


Yes, many veterans may be eligible for 金融援助 as well as VA 好处. In fact, it is encouraged to apply for 金融援助 to help with books and supply costs. 你可以申请经济援助 联邦学生援助网站.

I am a Post 9/11 recipient and I received a letter from the VA saying 希德 CC reported I was not charged tuition and fees. 我该如何解决这个问题?

The original report with no charged tuition and fees informs the VA of your enrolled hours so that they can award the book stipend to you in a timely manner. A second report with your tuition and fee charges is sent to the VA after the last day to drop/add a course. After that date, 希德 CC will report your tuition and fees to the VA. This is done to prevent the VA from charging you with debt if you change your courses.

Why does the VA show I’m enrolled in 9 hours when I’m actually enrolled in 15 hours?

There are several reasons for the VA to do this, the most common being:

  • 模块化的条款
  • 无法核实的课程
  • 重复的课程

模块化的条款 occur when there are the different start and end dates within a semester. 在希德 CC,每学期有几个模块术语, 这些都是全称, 在线上, 八周的学期. If you are enrolled in 9 hours during the full term and 6 hours during the eight-week term the VA may show as only being enrolled in 9 hours until the eight-week term begins.

无法核实的课程 are courses that are not in line with your pursuit of a degree at 希德 CC. If you are taking courses that are not required to graduate at 希德 CC, the VA will not count them as cares taken and they will not be calculated in your benefit payments.

重复的课程 are similar to unverifiable courses in that they are not required to graduate at 希德 CC. Repeated courses can be courses that you have already passed or courses that are taken to satisfy a need that has already been met. 例如, if your degree requires a Fine Arts elective and you have already taken Music Appreciation, then Art Appreciation would be considered a “Repeated Course” because the need has already been met.

我以前的学校不会公布我的成绩单. Can I still get VA education benefits at 希德 CC without my transcript?

No, the VA requires that an institution has ALL official transcripts before the school can verify your enrollment to the VA. 如果你不能拿到以前学校的成绩单, you should contact the prior school and resolve the reason they are holding your transcript. You will not be able to receive VA benefits at 希德 CC until the official transcript is on file.

我还没有收到我的VA付款. 什么时候可以寄给我?

The VA sends all payments to the students and in the case of Post 9/11 recipients, 他们将向学校交一笔钱(学费和杂费). You will receive payments directly from the VA for Monthly 住房 Allowance or Book and Supply stipends. 学校不能代表退伍军人事务部付款. If you are having issues with VA payments or simply wish to find out the status of your payment you should contact the VA directly at 1-888-442-4551 or you can contact them through the U.S. 退伍军人事务部网站.

VA没有收到希德 CC关于我入学的任何消息. 希德 CC什么时候会把我的注册表发给VA?

退伍军人管理局可能需要4-6周的时间来更新他们的记录, 从学校把信息发给他们的那一刻起. Please plan ahead and allow for this when applying to use VA benefits at 希德 CC. 希德 CC 经验丰富的服务 staff recommends that all VA and 经验丰富的服务 paperwork be turned 6 weeks prior to the first day of class. Anything between 6 weeks and the first day of classes will result in a delay of benefits.

I am taking courses and planning to transfer to (any university) However, 退伍军人事务部仍然不批准他们. 为什么他们没有被批准?

If the enrolled classes are not part of the degree plan published by 希德 CC or in the Articulation Agreement then they will not be counted. 即使你打算就读的大学说他们会接受你. The understood intent of the VA education benefits is to assist you with graduation at your current school, 不是你期待的学校. The 希德 CC published degree plan is the only reference that can be used by 希德 CC students.

For Career/Technical Programs the 希德 CC catalog will be the reference for allowed courses.

For Academic programs with the intent to transfer to a Mississippi public 4-yr university, 希德 CC uses the Articulation Agreement between the Mississippi Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning and the Mississippi Community College Board. 这份协议可以在 密西西比州的清晰度 & Transfer Tool网站.

For Academic programs with the intent to transfer to a private university, you will have to check with the university to see if they have an agreement with 希德 CC in your particular major. If they do not then you will need to enroll in General Studies and carefully plan out each semester so that your classes match both General Studies and your anticipated major.


军事成绩单可以向 联合服务成绩单网站.


VA benefits are paid differently based on the different chapters of the GI Bill. 您可以在网站上查看价格列表 退伍军人法案费率表网站.

